Welcome to Indonesia on the Trail

What a beautiful country it is indeed!
With more than 17,000 islands sprawling over a coastline of more than a quarter of the Earth's equatorial, it is no wonder that Indonesia is the World's largest Archipelago Nation. Located at a point where 3 of the Earth's tectonic plate meet and collide, Indonesia is uniquely positioned along the most seismically active volcanic where more than 400 volcanoes - big or small, active or dormant - decorated the Country's landscape.

Combination of such factors as geological occurrence, land/water ratio and massive territorial's nautical miles, have turned Indonesia into a nation of unique diversity. It has made Indonesia a nation that is blessed with rich natural resources (from oil to natural gas, from minerals to precious metals). It has made Indonesia a nation where people of different races, faiths, skin colors, cultural and traditional diversity blend as one - a spirit known as Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. It has made Indonesia a nation with landscapes beautifully shaped by lush greenery, beautiful oceanic panorama and towering mountains. It has made Indonesia a nation with one of the richest wildlife and bio-diversity and where some of the most beautiful coral reefs are found.

Welcome to my blog!!! What you are about to unravel is some of the amazing secrets (and sometimes not so pleasant facts) about this beautiful nation that has so often been wrongly understood or maybe not understood at all.

Get ready to unleash your imagination and who knows it cou
ld well be your next romantic honeymoon or perfect getaway destination or well, maybe your next adventure trip.

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